Monday, March 30, 2015

Strawberry Banana Green Smoothie

Good morning! 

It's a beautiful Monday morning here in Alabama! I'm absolutely loving this weather! 

So in my quest for a healthier lifestyle I'm trying out a ton of new recipes. As with everything else in life, it's all trial and error. One thing I've been eating, or drinking rather, is green smoothies! It's a great way to get in greens that I otherwise wouldn't eat. Plus, it's a super quick and easy breakfast!

I love smoothies because they're so customizable. You can literally add anything you like. This morning I had strawberry banana. I like using the frozen fruit because it holds its texture better. I added some greens and almond milk as well as threw in half of an apple for good measure.

I have a Magic Bullet but any blender will do. You just layer everything in and blend! I used roughly equal parts of each dry ingredient. I originally filled the cup up half way with almond milk, but I ended up adding more after I started. I would start with filling it up 3/4 of the way.

Just blend everything up and you're done! See ho easy? Don't be fooled by the less than beautiful appearance. These things are DELICIOUS! 

So there ya have it! Do you have any great smoothie recipes? 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hi, I'm Sarah.

Hey there!

Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Sarah. I'm 24 and trying to make my way in this great big world. I'm from a small town in south Alabama and I absolutely love the south. It has a bad reputation, but I wouldn't trade living here for anything.

I'm marrying the love of my life and best friend in eight months and I couldn't be more excited! I'm on a journey to get healthy and look amazing on my wedding day. I'm starting this blog to hold myself accountable, post recipes that I love, and document my journey as I get healthy!

I'm fairly new to the whole "clean eating" thing. I'm just starting to meal prep and learning how to fuel my body and work out properly. I'm not 100% sure what my diet will consist of. I definitely want to try gluten free and eat clean. I'm lactose intolerant so dairy free is a must. I'm really excited to learn and get healthy with my husband to be!

I'm so happy you're here to share this journey with me! Maybe you're brand new to this too and we can learn together, or maybe you're more experience and can tell me what the hell I'm supposed to be doing haha! Either way I'm so glad you're here. Feel free to introduce yourself and share you're story with me! What's the point of the internet if you don't make friends?! ;)